Saturday, December 5, 2009

French food: la tarte alsacienne?

I found the recipe for this french food and as a french project wrote it out in french. However, now i need to find some history on this food. Is it associated with any french holidays? Was it first made for a special reason? If anyone knows any information on la tarte alsacienne, it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me.

Thank YouFrench food: la tarte alsacienne?
The flammekueche is a really really old dish, that was created by Alsatian farmers who used to bake bread once a week to test the heat of their wood-fired ovens. At the peak of its temperature, the oven would also have the ideal conditions in which to bake a tarte flamb茅e. The embers would be pushed aside to make room for the tarte in the middle of the oven, and the intense heat would be able to bake it in 1 or 2 minutes. The crust that forms the border of the tarte flamb茅e would be nearly burned by the flames. Its eaten with the hands, accompanied with a glass of schnaps, and it was served when there were many guests or family members.

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